i miss you guys so much, my dear friends TT^TT ❤❤❤
Err...i know that my blog is not popular, and contain such the most boring thing in the world that can kill, but you still come to visit me and i'm so <-- let the icon speak for itself xD

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Feeling : sexy
Eating : crab
Doing : biting nails
Watching : laptop screen
Listening to : my own voice tralala~~

I am ME


oh well, so the one pouting cute with big eyes, white skin and dolly looks is me xD tough, am i praising myself to much ? lets start from the usual thing, mah name..eleen..well is not mah real name doe >.> but who cares, just who use real name on the internet?i ever saw someone name shit in the internet, do you think he is using his real name xD ok ok, lets straight to the point, so i am 16 year old, who love games,make-up and hoping to be kidnaped by digimon world as the chosen kids errghh..these is secret between you and me okays~? when i was 12, i'm always very happy when its raining and theres lightning, because i hope at that time, some ninja from naruto world will come and bring me to konohoa, as a chosen someone..you know..like those anime >.>...hahahaha i know its sound crazy, but i'm always hope i will be the chosen one xD..so..so..i'm babbling again tough (=_=") i'm a big fan of yaoi and you can proudly call me a crazy pervert yaoi fangirl...(*__*) other than that, what else about me...hmm...looks, yesh,yosh..i'm the type who care about looks..i won't go out without make-up, event a layer of foundation is enough for me to look barbie..so yeah, make-up is my twin. about boyfriend, i dun really care to have one..just like i said, i'm the type who care a lot about looks, and i dun think, such a guy exist for me..just what type of guy i'm looking for? i'm looking for anime type...go sit infront of your laptop, insert fruit basket vcd in your laptop cd player, click play, skip to the part where there is a sexy looking, perfect, handsome prince exist in front of you own naked eye...and he is yuki..i'm looking for the one who is like him..perfect! and my another babies, is sora from kingdom of heart..errghh future husband is hard to choose xD but i dun really care for guys, and i dun ever care if i never married, maybe i can adopt a child, and build such happy-rich of own life living with maids, kitties, and my adopted child xD and now, stop talking about boy, i'm want to talk about ambition, hear these guys, my first real sexy sweaty ambition is to become a singer/actress..but yeah these kind of things rely on luck...before my real luck came, i decided to become an architect maybe..before these i think..arggghh bussinesswoman, no one gonna hold me from become a bussinesswoman, but after interviewing a few of person that i know who gets 'real bad' spm result,i ask : hey what course do you take in university? and she answered, are you talking about shit, of course i take bussiness...and i was like 'gulp' even 1a's,2a's can take bussiness? is these course such a low thingy which everyone can get into..i feel stupid if i take bussiness, so i change..i'm your future architect baybies~ my dream is to go to japan, or maybe live there and to travel around the world in 80 days i just want to see the world..if i rely on my family, i won't go around the world forever. yesh i have go to several countries, but nah, i want to visit all countries in the world except the one having the never-end-war. now now, thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy reading about me, a japan girl wannabe xD

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malas is a killer
how stressful to become me
one day to go
prosocuter godot
my 16th birthday
love words
going for medical check-up


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i miss my dear friends
Written at Friday, April 9, 2010 | back to top

its just too hard to describe in words how much i love them. its was so hard living without them. i feel alone yet so sad. i don't know why god separated us apart when we have already tie a really strong relationship between us. i love them ! i love them ! i love them ! i just don't want these to happen. only two years more? two years is such a long time. if we are still in the same school and class for these two year more, there is still a lot of things we can do together. now, i only live with the memory of my friends. we got the same result, but somehow..god do separate us apart. maybe because we love mengumpat and sharing-sharing crita yaoi...but thats what makcik2x rewang being here for. and now, and now, and now...i soooo miss their jokes, their voice and their laugh. easy to say, i miss everything about them. many of us takes lk in form 4, i really hope we can still be together-gether in university like we do in form 3...and one more things, now..my mother allowed me to leave these school, sbp sains muar on Jun..but i was still thinking about it. i love my boyfriends but at the same time i soooo miss my friends. its a very hard decisions to make.....